This Tuesday is Winter Solstice

- the shortest daylight day of the year. We made it! So guess what we're going to do? We're going to raise hope and salute the sun with beautiful Surya Namskar, Salute to the Sun flow sequence. Surya Namskar is a series of 12 gracefully linked postures linked together in particular order to purposefully warm and tone the body and are actually one of the most beneficial elements of practicing yoga. Winter solstice brings added daylight minutes into each day and that certainly seems very worth celebrating and saluting!

In both ancient and modern times humans have been in awe of the massive bright ball of light in the sky. Stepping outside with outstretched arms and upturned faces we can feel the warmth and power of the sun's energy. There's a timelessness and gratitude over the earth for its life giving powers. I know we're not yet feeling the warm sunshine, but anticipation is a good thing!

Sun Salutations are a flow sequence of postures designed to engage, stretch, invigorate, warm and tone the physical body while keeping the focus on linking breath. This repetitive practice quiets the chatter of the mind and connects body with breath. There becomes a sense of freedom for the body and mind and linking breath with the movements can also enhance a meditative quality to your practice, increasing your self-awareness and energy levels.

Surya Namaskar also helps to balance the right and left sides of the brain bringing more emotional regulation, greater creativity and cognitive agility. Enhanced blood circulation is great for glowing skin, better digestion, relaxation and better sleep are also benefits of Surya Namaskar. Yay for Sun Salutations!


It’s time to usher out two thousand twenty one.


During the holiday season, we do a lot of things for others.