The heart space container 💟

Our bodies and our heart space are multi-dimensional. We move forward and backward, side to side and even revolve and twist. Cool, right? Much of our daily actives are forward focused, think desk sitting, driving our cars, making dinner, scrolling on our phones. We've got the forward dimension down! We've also got tight upper backs, rounded shoulder posture and quite often some shallow breathing. Our hearts can become a bit closed off too. Just like our bodies health affects our mental health, our hearts health is both physical and emotional. We want to be sure that our heart has space not only be open to expand and reach, but also have the boundaries it needs in order to be safe and thrive, like the rest of all of us.

All month and especially in our Flow class, we are countering and balancing. Discovering how we can invite and enhance space through the front, sides and back of our heart container requires us to strengthen the back of our bodies. We open when we are safe. We are safe when we are strong. That just sounds pretty awesome. Am I right??


Two weeks of things of all things Winter Olympics and a thought occurred


The mind of our hearts