The mind of our hearts

A couple of Whispers ago, we chatted (ok, I chatted, you read), thank you for reading by the way, a bit about why we want strength and stability through our shoulders. We worked in and through that space for the entire month of January. Awesome work yogis! I'm so proud of each of you. That was intense, hard and rewarding work. Don't worry, we'll get back to a revisit in our beautiful shoulder strength and stability soon. :) This month, we're countering that strength with some softening and opening, teaching our bodies the essential value in holding to both. Moving a few inches down and center into our heart space is where we are camped out for the next few weeks. Opening though our heart center is physically calling our bodies to expansion across the chest, shoulders and upper back. Oooooooo, there's often quite a bit of tension locked up there. Opening our heart space also happens a few inches above those shoulders when we commit in our minds to being open. Can you be open to new thoughts, new awareness and a new way to show up for yourself with love. Let us lay aside our protective armor in both body and mind and give ourselves a much needed break for holding it up as long as we have. Let's face it, these last two years have been really tough and heavy. Since our whole bodies house communication freeways, through neuromuscular transmission and mindfulness, we will work though the entire body as well, freeing up all sorts of tension holding patterns as one part aids the healing of other parts of us. These days turned to years with life inside a pandemic and served as even more stress in our already high stress post modern living. When we move our bodies, we feel so much better. We enhance healthy space where stagnation camped. We enhance healthful oxygenated blood flow, circulation, respiration, digestion and boost our immune systems. We think more clearly and have greater satisfaction in all aspects of life. Bringing mindfulness to our heart space, we can begin to invite hope and renewal and expansion in all sorts of ways moving from a season of long holding, gripping and protecting. It is positively perfect time for that!


The heart space container 💟


Your task is not to seek love, but merely to seek & find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. ~ Rumi