Notes, notables, nods for 2024
My paper planner contains all sorts of notes of all the things that filled my time, took my energy and moved me forward. There were abundant blessings and there were also hard things in 2024. We learn from both. Weeks roll through and make a month and then make another. My planner scribbles give definition to the things I value, the things I was responsible with, the special people I met, and friends I kept. I see God move across the pages of my year. I see His steadfast love and tremendous mercy. My planner becomes a place of remembrance for I am part of a forgetful species. A couple of years ago, I began a new practice, a new ritual, rhythm to ground and center me with who I am, who I am becoming and the life I am living in a world vibrating at a pace I feel myself unrecognizable. So, before the shiny new year begins, and I open my shiny new paper planner, I take to pen and paper and jot down my highs and lows contained within each month. I will keep several of the year's pages, but the page on top will serve as my remembrance and hold me steady before I reach for my new planner. In yoga, we ground first. We create a gentle and firm foundation for our feet, for our hands, for our minds and for our hearts. It is from the place of security, can we be purposeful in our leap into a new year and a most beautiful flight.
I wish you each a very happy new year. May you take with you the things that worked well from 2024 and may you reset and ground as you begin to bring in some new things.
May God light your path beneath your beautifully grounded feet.
With love,