It's our own inner war we wage.

Getting sick is no fun. Staying sick is really no fun for longer. There's A LOT of viruses jumping around out there. According to a doctor friend, this is the worst virus year he's seen in the last 20! Good to know I've been in good company. Ugh. I am healing, but it's been really slow. Not fun. I could choose to be frustrated or I can choose to be fearless. I can choose to rest and heal or I can push through and pretend "I'm fine." Contrary to our cultural cues, pushing through really is only denial and I have yet to find any research that says we get better faster by denying to our bodies. What I do find is denial disconnects us from body feels and slows down our healing progression. Live in truth. The truth will set you free!

Do you get frustrated when you fall out of a pose, or can't maintain alignment? Do you give up and give in to the inner voice saying "I am terrible at balance." Or maybe you simply decide you're "too old," "too young," "too behind to ever get back from an old injury." Or maybe you feel like, "it's been forever since I've done yoga, I can't do it anymore." Will that voice ever stop?? We all have our very own inner critic. We also have our very own choosing. As yogis we learn how to wield our fearlessness. We face to what is and exercise a fearless embrace in our moment, hold to ourselves to try and try again. You are worth it! Fortitude escorts fearlessness. Our stories are housed in our bodies and these vessels, well, they are in constant change, and they get injured and they get sick and In these ever-changing bodies, we can know resilience. We overcome with reseting, choice, and in a soft fearless whispering breath I know "I'm fine and I will grow, expand and heal in the way that sets me free."

Good warriors may not necessarily be the strongest,
but they are the most resilient.

With the heart of a warrior, let's choose together,
Jill 🧘🏻‍♀️


Notes, notables, nods for 2024