Moguls (not the snow bump kind)
Iβve got your back.
Happy Mogul Monday to all moguls who sit in front of their computers pounding keys of progress. ππ»ββοΈ
I see you. I am you. How can we sit and feel good in our backs and bodies when we do? I'm sitting and dissecting this for you (& me) right now.
Since there are 8 Limbs of Yoga, here's my top 8.
Sit in an upright chair that feels supportive and more toward the front edge of it. Please both feet on the ground and evenly placed. Thighs should be perpendicular to the ground, in line with the hips and knees bent at right angles. This helps create a slight anterior tilt for the pelvis and a neutral lumbar spine, aka slight curve. This sitting posture really good for our bodies. It also creates a slight activation our erector spinal muscles and core, aka get strong. ππΌ If you've a standing work desk, keep feet evenly weighted and distanced to a comfortable width from one another. Work at a table height so that when you're on your computer, your elbow bends at or close to a right angle. This allows your shoulders to relax down the back and your side neck to be long.
As shoulders come down and away from ears, allow the chest to lift slightly so that the shoulders also don't round forward. When we expand through the chest, we are strengthening our upper backs. While you're at it, make a moment for some shoulder rolls, retracting and protracting shoulder blades. Mobility through our backs lessen as we spend more and more time sitting, rounding forward. We trade strength for weak, getting stiffer and tighter, our backs become ridged and fixed, compromising circulation and agility. Let's not do that.
Be sure to check those wrists are in line with forearms, so no weird wrist kinks. If possible monitor should be at horizon level for your eyes. Head is resting and centered over spine and not lurching forward.
Check in with your breathing. Take it from that upper chest and ribcage breathe and bring it to your belly. Notice what happens to your exhale when you do. Ahhhhhhhhhh. Oh yeah, wear clothes that are comfortable.
Every so often, close your eyes, recheck that your ears are hovering above your shoulders and not out in front. Make a slight correction by tucking chin in slightly.
Reach arms up overhead, interlock fingers and flip palms skyward. Allow a little shimmy side to side. Feel your lengthening side body and breathe. Relax arms down, hand to opposite knee for a gentle twist. Remember to keep that spine long. The slight anterior tilt of the pelvis because you're sitting on the edge of the chair and not leaning back into it (posterior tilt) will be the magic sauce. Slight engagement of the core maintains pelvis and spinal integrity.
Allow the eyes to move from close up work to distance sight. Healthy eyes need exercise too.
Get up from your chair and move around. Grab a drink of water or herbal iced tea, grab a nutrient dense, healthy snack. Visit with a co-worker while doing heel raises. (I'm kidding, but not really) Move your body. Jiggle in place with little jumps, even ones that just barely lift the heels from the ground, supports the lymphatic system, and increases feelings of vitality and positive energy.
Positive energy rocks!
Peace & Love do too.