What can I do at home when I can’t be at the studio for class?

We all want something prescribed. We want a step by step plan, something hopefully simple and quick and something that if possible please, will produce immediate results. Human. Living in modern day. Yoga seems to counter most everything in today's immediacy-culture and yet, it's counter-culture that's exactly what we need, because... today.

Of course, there's all sorts of beautiful physical postures that will support healthy backs, healthy spines and hips from our too much sitting. Crawl out of bed and onto your hands and knees and move through a few cat/cows with breath, a downward dog and surrender to a moment of centering in childs pose before you even stand up and walk into the rest of your day. You will feel better. But, there's something even more for you. Within each of us is the ability to tune into our own self, for our own innate wisdom awaits. Your body knows how it needs to move, to stretch, to strengthen, to heal. Your body knows when it needs rest and when it needs ease. We've lost touch with the deep well of our wellness that lives in our bodies. We want immediate results and we want someone else to tell us what to do to get them. What if I told you you have everything already inside of you to be well? That wisdom speaks softly and in order to hear it, we need to tune in. We also need to trust it. Just breathe and begin to notice sensations in your body and see if you can begin to move in ways that are serving. I'm inviting you to your own and personal practice. What will you discover? As a yoga teacher, I want to inspire that part inside of you when you come to class and when you can't come to class. I often encourage you to find your movement, to move intuitively when you're on your mat. My innate wisdom is whispering an ushering in of yours.

I've been a gym rat all my life. I've trained on strict regimens for years and years in a row. I've had personal trainers and competed in body building and ski racing. It is the practice of yoga that has brought awareness to how I actually feel and therefore decide to move. Yoga is now my personal trainer. Yoga quiets my mind so I can listen, tune in and feel in order to respond well. I now train intuitively every single day. My workouts continue to be usually a combination of weight training, functional training, walking, jogging and yoga and each day I show up for myself curious to know what my body needs and from that point, my workout begins to form and take shape. They are entirely intuitive. My injuries are low to none and my hope is that I can facilitate a safe place where you can discover your very own intuition and trust in yourself for
your very own and personal wellness.


Gym Rat?


Uniquely you!