We shift gears A LOT

Do you prefer an automatic or a manual transmission? Yes, metaphorically speaking, but. :) A new season is fast approaching. Those of us with children at home, either have already dropped off at college or soon will be, while others are beginning again somewhere along the K-12 continuum. I heard recently that Sept marks the beginning of the holiday shopping season. Wait. What??! I'm definitely going manual driver here. I've a few more fire pits and roasted marshmallows to enjoy! 

We make decisions all day long and those decisions have a trajectory in our life course. We are shifting all the time. Some shifts are automatic and happen without contemplative thought, for others, we are perhaps a bit more considerate. Life moves forward whether we contemplate or not. When we slow down on the roadway of our lives, become intentional, remember to our course, our dreams and aspirations, our decisions begin to align for we create momentum toward the life we want to live well. Aside from getting lucky sometimes, our intentional intention informs and guides our best decisions. Yoga helps us tune to that. We connect to our physical bodies by integrating mind with purposeful movement and breath. That simple aspect of yoga is profoundly impactful for our bodies, our brains, our nervous system. It positivity affects our cognitive decision making and our brain's executive function. Our practice begins to inform the decisions we make off mat and momentum takes root in our choices. We become adept in shifting, choosing and we ease to course change.

— Jill


In the Pacific Northwest, we take our seasons seriously.


Awesome August