In the Pacific Northwest, we take our seasons seriously.

I like that. It means we're intentional. It also means we're also gratitude seekers.

Fall is a bit reflective. Nature shifts toward settling, energy stabilizes. Fall is like the exhale to summer's inhale. Can Fall's cool morning and evening breezes help me sweep and clear away my habits, my habitual patterns no longer useful? Perhaps it is this Fall, I lean into discovering why I hold grip to things that I know keep me from my growth and enjoying more peace. Warrior 1, warrior 2 and warrior 3 families of poses remind us a good warrior is not because they are faster or stronger, but indeed is one who is skilled in adapting. When our bodies become more physically comfortable, they grip less and we become more supple in how we move. We feel better in our bodies and our minds. On our mats, we practice integrating body and mind through movement and breath. We practice bringing all of our senses, the broken fragments of ourselves together in order to heal, experience wholeness and embrace our uniqueness. Over time, we become skillful warriors.

I hope the breezes of this fall find you moving well and into cozy sweaters.

Jill 🌞 🌾 🍂


The plight of this teacher


We shift gears A LOT