We are creatures of schedule. We want one, we make one and we drill down.
We create our tunnel of efficiency, and while efficiency can be serving (for a season), those high walls can also begin to diminish what light can come in. Fall is a time of transition, it is also a time of assessment. What part of my summer schedule continues to serve me through this next glorious season, and what no longer does? Can I create capacity for pause, reflection, assessment, for my peripheral vision to come forward? Have I drilled down to a place where light can't access? Can I pause, release a bit off those well worn tracks and step across them to meandering pathways where the wildflowers live and light dapples the earth?
Our yoga practice becomes an ongoing invitation to our peripheral vision to look for light and growth. How we show up for ourselves on our mats overtime, becomes intertwined with the way we show up in our lives, our relationships and our work. When we carry light in our bodies, minds and thoughts, we light up the room.