This week will be the longest, darkest one, but light is growing
When you close your eyes and imagine light, how do you imagine it? And where in the body does it begin to find form? Where we imagine light inside our bodies, is often where we need to allow ourselves grace for healing. It is the place where we are most vulnerable or the place where wounds hold scars. If you think of a time when you experienced a betrayal, where do you sense it inside? If you think of a beautiful joyous moment you experienced and close your eyes, where do you feel that? For many of us, we feel deep emotions in our head, hearts or stomachs. It is from this place light grows, if we let it. It is also the place where darkness can keep us. Remember, It is but with one small lit match, we can see enough to walk past the shadows and obstacles that once kept us small and fearful. Light is never afraid nor small.
Our patterns are never fixed.
Winter Solstice can be a time when we finally surrender the habits turned to worn out non-serving patterns in the way we live and love. It is a time of reflection yes, and it is also a time of looking forward to and being sure we've made space for what is coming up new. It is only by intention, a match takes to flame.
With love and LIGHT,