Noticing the shift

I woke up this very morning and my heart seemed to shout "the hot days of summer are over!" While it would be tough to find anyone who doesn't enjoy summer days, I have found my favorite seasons in Spring and Fall. There's something about transition that sparks my curiosity, invigorates my senses and creates space to take notice. One of my most favorite things about a yoga practice are the transitions between poses, rather than even sometimes, the poses and postures themselves. I've always enjoyed movement over stillness, but I've noticed when I move well and with intention, I enjoy stillness so much more. The settle and center of being still in a posture becomes more of a beautiful sigh of relief and reward. The transition becomes the good work required in order for compassion to rise and healing to happen.

In our upcoming classes we will be bringing focus, greater awareness to our transitions and the space between getting from one pose to the next. What happens when we pay closer attention in the shifting? Can we discover recruitment of not only our muscles in our bodies that allow us movement, but also of compassion and gratitude in the present moment and who we are in it, when life shifts? The practice begins when we roll out our mats. The practice moves to color our lives when we roll them back up and walk in the sun's long shadows of early Fall. Grab a sweatshirt, notice the colors of you and begin to enjoy the shift.


Everyone please find your seats and let’s get started


Pivot. Shift. Recalibrate. Now do that again.