Remember Play

Do you remember when you stopped playing? When you stopped doing handstands and cartwheels? When you joined the adult table and stayed there...for the rest of every gathering? When you began to adopt the idea that all this sitting and resulting stiffness is simply normal aging? Perhaps, it's in all the sitting that not only stiffens and weakens our bodies away from movement, but as well, our mindset follows suit. Stiff and tight bodies meet stiff closed off thinking and we stop playing.

Movement is powerful; freeing our bodies and expanding our minds. As we move, we begin to recognize old patterns of movement can be replaced with more skillful ones and we find we can age and still feel good! Because we are integrated in both body and mind, our non-serving thought patterns get replaced with hope, healing and possibility. We begin to find creative again, healthier relationships and solutions to problems.

My children played on the grass yesterday on our front lawn. They did cartwheels and handstands over and over, getting better and better in their execution, laughing together and simply playing. My children are no longer children, but young adults in their 20's. My hope for them is to keep going, keep moving and to keep playing. My hope is they will sit down to eat and then get up from that table and go play!

Let's play together. Your mat is kindly waiting for you.



Hello June!