How’s everyone doing?

Seems we experience a couple of steps forward only to be blindsided again forcing us a bit of fall back. We should measure not our progress in circumstances, but rather our resolve and ability to adapt and grow in them. We choose to gather knowledge along the bumpy, curvy and really smokey path and hopefully find some good use in it in our next steps. Things are not always as they seem and we really are moving forward. For me, trials are too hard and too expensive to be simply tossed aside when the circumstances improve to my comfort and liking again. We too will be simply tossed about again and again like directionless wind, unless we are intentional for growth that these challenges unequivocally provide. Growing becomes the light by which we see our move forward on our well-navigated and well-lived paths. 

Our beautiful state has undergone vast devastation from raging wild fires, never before experienced quite like this. Please pray for our fire fighters safety and our wildlife to find safe refuge. Pray for our neighboring communities and help where you can. We will recover and so will our land. Out of the ashes, comes new life. Remarkable. Believe it or not, you are becoming new every day too.

Due to our current poor air quality status, I am holding off before releasing next week's class schedule.
Steps forward with a bit of a fall back; we're still ok.

Please let me know what works best for you re class times and what you need in your practice and be sure to white list me so you don't miss updates.

Stay safe out there. Take care of one another.
With love, Jill

My most favorite (caffeine free too) iced tea combo🍹
aka what I've been drinking all summer!

Boil water and pour over: 
4 Nettle tea bags (Traditional Medicinals brand is a good one)
2 Hibiscus tea bags (The Republic of Tea brand is a favorite) 
Let steep for 20 minutes or more. Squeeze all the yummy tea goodness from bags into tea, then discard.
Makes 2 quarts. Keeps in fridge for days and days. Enjoy!

Nettle leaves are a gentle diuretic, helping the body process and flush away toxins. It's also helpful in preventing and soothing urinary tract infections and a natural aid in high blood pressure. Nettle also serves as a natural anti-inflammatory and natural beautifier to skin and hair. 

Hibiscus superflower tea has been known to prevent hypertension, lower blood pressure, reduce sugar levels, keep your liver healthy, help with menstrual cramps, depression and weight management. It's rich in Vitamin C and contains minerals such as flavonoids. It's actually a little naturally sweet and compliments the more grassy and savory qualities of nettle.


Go ahead. Talk to yourself.


Let’s make room for a view.