Fall Equinox

Day and dark balance in equal time. Nature reminding me of how our bodies innate wisdom to find homeostasis, where all of our bodies systems work to maintain internal stability and we too, seek to find balance in our life between effort and rest, serving and receiving. What is it I am holding on to that actually causes me to be off balance? Can I finally let go of the things that no longer serve me toward it? As summer turns to fall this week, can we also release our grip and surrender to this season of letting go? As the trees drop their leaves because the leaves are no longer useful in the preparation for winter, can I too, release into freedom from my gripping fists of my hands and my heart? Can I fall into Fall and better know balance between effort and surrender? If I can, I can restore through this season and be eager and ready for a beautiful renewal.


There’s a phenomenon taking place


Everyone please find your seats and let’s get started