An inward or upward yoke?
This freeze and ice and snow forces pause and a slow deep breath. That's not a bad thing. So, while we are all hunkered indoors, staying safe and trying to stay warm, silence has a sound. Yoga is an expression of appreciation for my body, my mind and my soul. To whom do I direct my appreciation? Yoga means to yoke. We yoke to integrate our fragmented selves, but perhaps that's only the beginning. My pastor said something recently and rather thought provoking. If we just keep going deeper internally, we only go deeper into what we know and can be simply deeper suffering. Since the beginning of time, humans have sought connection to God, for God is not a deeper dive within, but a recognition of the One separate from ourselves who gives us transforming knowledge and a peace beyond what we are capable to bring from ourselves to ourselves. We can trust in what we know through our limited experiences or we can begin to recognize our short sighted lens and our deeper need for a God who can truly transform us from that which limits us. On our mats, (and through a cold snap), silence has a sound. It just might be the most loveliest.
As we age, we become acutely aware of the importance of maintaining mobility as we can start to notice that all the sitting in our modern day, sedentary lifestyle is creeping in, setting tone, aiding our bodies stiff and ridged. As yogis, we are part of a better movement (no pun intended) to move, to counter all that sitting, to find freedom in our bodies, opening in our minds and so much more, because moving is life.
moving with you and with love, jill